How is the Albanian Mafia setting up :
locally, nationally and in Europe
Farcy, december 2002
Thanks to Alain, Bernd, Dominique,
Henri, Jean-Marie, Marc, les Michel's, Véronique and the others
Thanks to Thierry for his superb
This paper is the result of a plan elaborated
during 18 months by the Judiciairy Service, part of the Belgian Federal Police
in the District of Verviers.
It has no grudge against the Albanian people which
are the first victim of their own mafia. Remember Mother Teresa was Albanian:
So one can understand that this people is capable of great feats.
This project was mostly a human venture
rallying investigators and responsible men seeing the Albanian criminality infiltrate
their district.
It is an adventure because the plan could only develop
in a sound atmosphere of work and comradeship, sine qua non requirement for
everyone's motivation and for eliminating the numerous encountered obstacles.
It is also a challenge, the district
environment being not fated for such a plan: this sort of plans are mostly tackled
by bigger services which possess a richest human and material potential, with
the back up of pre-existing investigative material.
It is still a challenge for the legislation and
the available means in Belgium are far from sufficient for an effectively fight
against the organized crime.
The Albanian criminality's surge in Europe and Belgium
The structure and its workings