The Department for the Study of the Contemporary Criminal Menace

The Department:

The Emerging Contemporary Criminal Menace

Methods & actions to counter the Contemporary Criminal Menace

Action Methods of the Department for the Study of the Contemporary Criminal Menace

In order to contribute to this global vision, the Department for the Study of the Contemporary Criminal Menace can rely on the assistance of teaching staff and researchers from our University.

It addition to the contribution of academics, it is obviously essential also to solicit input from the Magistrature, Police, Gendarmerie, Army, and generally from all specialists, in France as well as abroad.

For this reason the Department has created a Scientific Council, convening French and foreign specialists, academic as well as practitioners.

The Department for the Study of the Contemporary Criminal Menace is developing publishing and information activities in the pertinent domains.

Fields of investigations for the Department for the Study of the Contemporary Criminal Menace

Considering the polymorphous as well as global shape of the Contemporary Criminal Menace, the areas of prospection of the Department are very diverse, and will often overlap. Hence, the following list is only indicative and may include overlaps between the identification of the shape and type of the threats and the methods used to study them.

Activities of the Department for the Study of the Contemporary Criminal Menace

Research and publication

The research activity of the CCM includes the publication on its website, of its materials pertaining to the Contemporary Criminal Menace, notably:

- Research work:

- Archives and Literature: A search engine and links to pertinent and related sites are aggregated on the Department’s web page.


This communication is done through:

Whose programs and conference notes are published on the CCM's web page.