Orientations bibliographiques sur la Macédoine

En français

La Macédoine, Victor Bérard, Calmann-Lévy, Paris 1897.
La Macédoine et les Macédoniens, Edmond Bouchié de Belle, Armand-Colin, Paris, 1922.
La Macédoine, son évolution actuelle, Jacques Ancel, Delagrave, Paris, 1930.

En anglais

Heroes and assassins, Stojan Christine, Robert Mc Bride, NYC, 1935.
The tragic peninsula : a history of the macedonian movement for independance since 1878, Christos Anastasoff, Blackwell Wielandy, St Louis (Miss), 1938.
Macedonia : its place in Balkans power politics, Elisabeth Barker, Royal Institute of International affairs, London, 1950.
Maps and politics : a review of the ethnographic cartography  of Macedonia, H.R. Wilkinson, Liverpool University  Press, 1951.
Freedom or death : the life of Gotje Delchev, Mercia Mc Dermott, Journeyman Press, London & New York, 1978.
Fires on the mountain : the macedonian revolutionary movement and the kidnapping of Ellen Stone, Laura Beth Sherman, Eastern European Monographs, Boulder (Co.), 1980.
The politics of terror : the macedonian liberation movements, 1893-1903, Duncan M. Perry, Duke University Press, Durham & London, 1988.
